The Olympics are keeping us up late at night, and my son is getting us out of bed early.  I am not used to being on a schedule anymore.  I really have developed some bad habits.   I have always been an early bird.  Like to go  to bed early, and then rise early and enjoy the sun coming up.  However lately, I have discovered how nice it is in the evening, when the children are in a deep sleep, and my husband starts to snore, to be by myself.  I can turn on the lights, sew, and play on the computer for hours.  Sometimes I just crash on the bed at about 1am.  Lance gets the kids out of bed, so I can snooze until 7am.  I have also found that I cannot handle more then 7 hours of sleep, or I become grouchy and very tired.  Teri just wrote about her sleep problems, and I was happy to hear that it is quite ok to have less sleep.   Anyways, now I have to change everything again, and force myself to go to bed when I am not really tired.  As if that was not bad enough, trying to do it with the Olympics on does not make it any easier.  However, I like the fact that we have gotten my son to school every day this week on time.

Blogging a bit this morning.  Came across a new blog The Villa Family.  She sewed a new skirt from a new pattern called the Edith Pattern.  I loved the material she used.  I have alot of it, and I like the way she put these prints together.

Then I found a friend of hers at Elegant Bloggery.  Anything with the word Elegant in it, ususally means it is worth looking at.  Then I found You Go Girl! and a tutorial on Binding.  The one thing that draws me to some of these blogs, is how amazing some of these moms are.  I mean I have read blogs where women have 7 kids.  These women deserve a medal.  They seem to balance everything and remain happy.  Sometimes I need to read these blogs just to remember what is important and what makes us real.  Of course, I also love the fact that we all have one thing in common and that is crafting.  Now if we could just meet and talk once a week.

I have been cleaning.  I rearranged furniture in three rooms, picked up carpets, and am in the process of setting up a playroom for the kids, a guest room for my mom (she is visiting us in September), and a new cutting area in my sewing room.  I also pulled out the rocking chair from Olivias room (boohoo) and found a new spot for it in my sewing room.   It is a sad day when you don’t need to rock them to sleep anymore.  However, I am sure that I will be happy to sit and handsew on something comfortable.  I have had that chair since I have been 5 years old.   My sewing room is right next door, so if a late night reason should occur to sit in that chair, it will be accessible.