I love to sew, but one thing I love even more is a beautifully cleaned up house.  I am talking about that feeling, you get when the house is so clean, you can take a bath at night and just relax, because all of your work is done.  That wonderful feeling you get when you know the kids are tucked in bed, the dishes are put away, and you can light some candles and watch a movie.  That feeling I have not had since my son turned 1…..approx. 3 years ago.

I love to sew, but the feeling I get when my house is completely clean in every nook and almost every cranny is sweeter then anything I sew.  I have horribly neglected this task in my life and it is time to do some catching up.  One room at a time, and one goal at a time.  Let’s just hope that the children play along with this, because it is hard to get Olivia to stay anywhere longer then 10 minutes.  Thank goodness her naps are still 3 hours long.