Today was my day!  I waited for this day all week.  Just me me me me and me.  No kids, no hubby.  My sons PreK thought it would be a nice idea to give the parents a “Day Out”.  They babysat the kids from 9am-2pm to give us a little time for ourselves.  The moment I read this in the monthly newsletter, I could not wait to sign up for it.  I have not been seperated from my kids in almost 4 years, and Olivia has never been seperated from me.  I kept a list all throughout the week of exactly what I wanted to get accomplished – cleaning, sewing, reading, listening to music, baking.  Way too many things to do in 5 hours.

Now I know you have listened to enough of my bad luck stories, or how everything goes wrong, but today is just another one of those days.  This year has been a test on my patience and positive attitude.

It started with Olivia waking me up at 5:00am because she lost her pacifier.  She was screaming mama, mama, mama for almost 15 minutes, before I  decided to get up and help her.  Thank goodness, she laid right back down and slept again.  Of course by then, my husband rolled over and started snoring.  After 20 minutes of that, I decided to get up.  I was sort of excited about my day, and the sooner I got started, the sooner I would finish.  When I got out of bed, I was greeted by my monthly friend – whom I did not want to see today.  She always gives me major headaches.  The morning went pretty smooth except a few minor tantrums, and I managed to call my mom in Germany, because we keep missing each other.  I knew she was leaving for Berlin in the morning, and I would not have another chance.   As usual we spoke way too much, and I had to rush the kids out of the door.  I was a bit nervous about leaving Olivia at the daycare.  It was her first time, and she has been so clingy.  Oh well, there is a first time for everything, so I buckled her in her carseat, and when I went around to Nicolas’ side, the door would not budge.  I had already started the car, so I knew it could not be the battery again.  I tried every button I could find, but nothing would work.  After climbing over the front seat, and squeezing into the back to buckle him up, I was a bit stressed out.  So I put the car in reverse, and then BAM!  I looked down, and noticed someone had turned off the warning system, locked all the doors,  so I crashed right into my husband’s car, leaving nice scratches on my van, and a large (10×10″) dent in my husbands car.  &*((**(&*^&%&^%^&*(&*(*&*!!!!!!!  Nicolas was playing in the car last night, and must have turned all my security off, so I did not realize that my husband parked a bit crooked last night.  DARN!

At this time I knew that my day was not going to be good, so I decided to drop all my plans, and just relax.  There was no way this body or mind was going to withstand another blow of any kind.  I got my day going, and found out that Olivia did great.  She cried for about 10 minutes, but soon began to play with the other children – ask me how I know?  I managed to clean up a little, sew (another disaster I will write about soon), and blog.  And my neighbor came over and fixed the broken panel on my van, which I did not notice until I came home.   What more can I ask for?  Oh, and I treated myself to 2 creme filled donuts.  I think I deserved that!

On another note, Nicolas had his Christmas Recital yesterday, and we really enjoyed watching his class sing and dance.  I was so proud that he participated.  He does not like crowds and tried to weasel his way out of it, but in the end we got him so excited to go that we all had a good time.  I am afraid that the pictures did not turn out so great.  The lighting was horrible, and the because the lights were on the floor, a shadow dropped right on Nicolas, so you could not see him at all.  I did however manage to take a few family photos before we left.  My son’s comment “Mom you look so handsome!”   I will take that!
